New Zealand Geyser

Only minor lighting and saturation changes have been made to this photo, taken on my trip to New Zealand a few years ago. The challenge of getting this photo was getting my camera to focus even with a diffuse subject in the center, as well as the ~5 minute time interval and the moving water (which means a relatively short shutter speed and the possibility of my camera getting wet if I get too close). Overall I think it came out nicely.

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More fairytale Prague

This is the tower at one end of the bridge (where I was standing taking my previous photo which looks down on the bridge). It is unfortunately slightly blurred, but other than that I really like this photo.

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Prague and Saturation

The top photo is unedited (though it is a panorama composited from several). The bottom photo has had its saturation pushed way up. While this makes the bottom version have some strange chromatic issues (something which can be seen by zooming way in on the full resolution version), I prefer to have color in my photos (and the original version was thwarted in this effort by the clouds...). You may notice the place where the tiling pattern on the ground falls apart; this is because I moved in between shots of the panorama. The computer couldn't figure out a good way to composite this. Additionally if you look closely you may spot some people who moved in between shots. Finally those buildings on the center right are not really that curved, this is all a result of my movements and zooming/camera settings while I took the original shots. While a professional might have done it differently (and would certainly object to what I have done with the saturation), I quite like the effect. It makes the world feel a bit more like something out of a fairytale.

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New Zealand Sunset

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Australian Mall

I took this looking through a mall in Australia. I like the clock and the combination of old and new architecture. I also like the way that everything is lit up and in nice condition (and organized with signs!).

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Australian Beaches

These are among the best photographs I've ever taken of a beach, and all were taken in Australia (Sydney more specifically). Some minor lighting alterations were made.

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New Zealand and the magic of Photoshop CS5

These are two pictures I "took" in New Zealand. The lower one is a composite of some 30 or so pictures that I took from atop a mountain in Queenstown. The upper one is a filled-in version that I made using the new version of photoshop. Anything that doesn't appear in the bottom was generated by a computer, working with a bit of help from me, in under 45 minutes. Notable pieces include nearly the entire bottom 15% of the photo and the top 5%. Its not perfect, and zooming in enough (on the super-high-resolution versions I have on my computer but can't publish due to their size) reveals repeating textures and some incongruous jumps between areas. I also modified the lighting and the hue just a tad.

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